Instagram Live Battles

There have been few things I have truly enjoyed about this pandemic, quarentin-ing, stay-at-home thing. What I have found most enlightening and joyous has been these Instagram Live Battles between artists and when my favorite artist goes “Live”. Now I have missed quite a few of these major ones like the first and second attemptsContinueContinue reading “Instagram Live Battles”

“When They See Us”: From a Young Black Mother’s Prospective

It’s taken me awhile to process, digest and write about “When They See Us” the Netflix film from director Ava Duvernay. As a African-American mother to an African-American little boy, I have worried about his safety growing up since he was in my belly. I remember watching the Trayvon Martin case when I was pregnantContinueContinue reading ““When They See Us”: From a Young Black Mother’s Prospective”

A Bad Movie-Going Experience

So as a mom, now I don’t get to go to the movies as often as I’d like to. Matter of fact, most of the movies I’ve seen in the last 4 years have been cartoon or animated movies. No complaint, I’m just sayin’. When I do get to go to the movies, I getContinueContinue reading “A Bad Movie-Going Experience”

HBO’s “King In The Wilderness” Review

  I have always been into African American history as long as I can remember. My grandmother and Great Aunt who was a school teacher, was really big into educating the youth in the family and making sure we knew our history. I remember sitting down and watching documentaries on PBS with my Dad asContinueContinue reading “HBO’s “King In The Wilderness” Review”

Netflix “Rapture” Series Review

I don’t get to binge on Netflix very often, but this weekend I able to. I love watching bio’s and docuseries. Specifically musicians, really. This one was a great series, because it was done on some of my favorite rap artists. Not only that I was also enlighten on some artists I was familiar withContinueContinue reading “Netflix “Rapture” Series Review”

Grown-ish Review: College Then vs. Now

I am an avid watcher of the show Black-ish. When I found out there was going to be a spin-off, I admit I was a bit skeptical at first. I mean spin-off’s lets face it usually don’t have a positive rep. But, then I remembered my favorite spin-off of all time “A Different World”. AContinueContinue reading “Grown-ish Review: College Then vs. Now”